Sony beli Sony Ericsson

Aku dapat email ini :

Dear Mohamad Zulhelmi,

I wanted to give you some more information about Sony’s intended purchase of Sony Ericsson and what it means for you.

Some things won’t change at all. For example, your existing warranty will remain completely valid and you’ll still get the same great service and support that you’ve been used to. But you will see some important new benefits.

Your Sony Ericsson phone already features great Sony technology. But in future, you can expect even more leading-edge Sony capabilities – and easy connectivity with other Sony products including TVs, PCs and tablets to allow you to share content seamlessly across multiple screens. There will also be more opportunities to enjoy premium entertainment content from Sony including music and film services from the Sony Entertainment Network.

Hope makin gempak la HP dari Sony Ericsson. Lepas ini HP terbaru diorang akan menggunakan logo SONY no more Sony Ericsson. Kalau hendak lebih dasyat, PSP boleh call. Memang superb.

About Emi

Emi atau nama sebenar Mohamad Zulhelmi berasal dari Sitiawan, Perak dan sekarang menetap di Shah Alam. Seorang programmer di sebuah organisasi yang terpaksa di rahsiakan atas sebab-sebab keselamatan. Mula aktif berblog pada akhir tahun 2008.

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